First report of the advisory panel of the Early Warnings for All Initiative to the United Nations Secretary-General
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the progress made as part of the Early Warnings for All initiative. Since the launch of the Executive Action Plan at COP-27, tangible progress has emerged on multiple fronts. Thirty countries have been identified to receive targeted support based on funding availability and vulnerability.
Global and regional coordination, coupled with country-specific mechanisms, now underpin the entire Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) value chain. Building upon this, multi-stakeholder national consultations in 13 countries have been held to date, reinforcing political backing and strategic partnerships. Looking ahead to 2024, the initiative aims to amplify its impact by intensifying collaboration and coordination in policy, governance, stakeholder coordination, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation and finance. The focus will extend beyond the initial 30 countries, with continued collaboration with regional bodies.