The Arab strategy for disaster risk reduction 2020
The League of Arab States developed the Arab Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2020 (ASDRR), which was adopted by the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment in its 22nd session, held in Cairo on 19 December 2010. The strategy was further welcomed at the 2nd Arab Summit for Socio-Economic Development in January 2011, endorsed by the Economic and Social Council of League of Arab States in its session in September 2011 and adopted at the highest political level in the Heads of States Summit in Baghdad, March 2012. In recognition of the increasing risk and frequency of disasters that challenge the development process in the region, the ASDRR focuses on enhancing knowledge and capacities on risk reduction to reduce disaster losses and boost resilience.
The League of Arab States through CAMRE led the development of this strategy in collaboration with UNISDR Regional Office for Arab States and with the contributions of many regional technical institutes, UN agencies, the World Bank, IFRC and civil society networks. The Strategy was initially adopted during the 22nd session of the CAMRE held in Cairo, 19-20 December 2010, which was followed by the development of a detailed programme of action for implementation of the strategy's priorities.