UNISDR strategic framework 2025: work programme 2012-2015, with addendum on budget requirements for 2012-2013
This document presents: (i) UNISDR mandate and vision; (ii) the highlights of 2010-2011; (iii) UNISDR strategic framework; (iv) UNISDR strategic objetives; and (v) the addendum on budget requirements for 2012-2013.
It identifies four strategic objectives to guide UNISDR work through to 2015: (i) lead and coordinate - strengthened support to the implementation and coordination of the ISDR and the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) and improved coherence with climate change adaptation and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); (ii) credible evidence - producing and disseminating credible evidence to strengthen decision-making at local, national and regional levels in support of disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and achievement of the MDGs; (iii) advocacy and outreach - increased public and private sector investments in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation through advocacy and outreach; and (iv) deliver and communicate results - more effective, results-driven UNISDR secretariat to carry out its mandate.