Montenegro: Recording disaster losses. Learning from the past
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 guides Member States in reflecting on their own systems for disaster risk management and to foster disaster risk reduction efforts at national and local level. The first priority of the Sendai Framework calls for systematic collection, recording and sharing of disaster loss data with the ultimate goal to better understand impacts of disasters and provide evidence for informing policy and decision-makers, as well as other stakeholders, private sector and civil society.
Following this critical objective, the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, Directorate for Emergency Management, Department for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Assistance has firmly moved toward the adoption of DesInventar Sendai as the national platform and methodology to support the collection, recording and sharing of disaster loss data from local to national level.
This report contains figures that describe the results of this historical data set collection process. The figures also provide an initial overview of the major hazards, the most exposed areas and the assets impacted by disasters in the last 13 years.