Arab States Training of Trainers in Comprehensive Climate and Disaster Risk Management


UNDRR Regional Office for the Arab states in partnership with UNDRR Office in Bonn organized two days workshop and regional training on Comprehensive Risk Management in the Arab region. The workshop aimed to provide an overview of the Comprehensive Risk Management (CRM) and enable participants to identify mutually beneficial opportunities to strengthen disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation across policies and programmes and enhance the capacity of governments for cross-sectoral planning while ensuring vertical alignment.

The workshop was attended by more than 40 participants from Comoros, Djibouti, Mauritania and Sudan representing the National Disaster Management offices, National Climate Change, offices, National Focal Points for the Sendai Framework, National Focal Points for the SDGs, National Focal Points for the Paris Agreement and UN Country Teams.

This workshop is in line with UNDRR efforts to support the Member States and catalyse technical assistance to developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Also, UNDRR is implementing a multi-level, multi-year and multi-country programme to operationalize CRM.

In collaboration with partners, UNDRR has developed a set of guidance and a training package to help integrate climate considerations into disaster risk reduction strategies, and to risk-inform National Adaptation Plans, with the ultimate aim to help the Member States develop and implement fully integrated climate and disaster risk management plans and policies.

“The region has been identified as highly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change that may further threaten existing development plans at rural and urban levels. Climate change impacts people’s livelihoods and will hinder efforts to reduce poverty. We need to strengthen coherence and linkages in the design and implementation of the strategies, policies, programmes and projects”. Said Mr Mohanty, Chief of UNDRR ROAS.

"A comprehensive disaster and climate risk management to planning help countries benefit from complementary processes, optimize available resources, and build long term resilience". Said DR. Animesh Kumar, Head of UNDRR Office in Bonn

"It is encouraging to hear how countries are progressing towards better integration of disaster and climate risks in development planning. It is inspiring to have a role to play in this agenda”. Said Mr Sanjaya Bhatia, UNDRR Chief of Programme Management.

The workshop presented the module on Comprehensive Risk Management (CRM): Developing NAPs and National DRR Strategies in synergy, the status of climate change and NAP planning in countries and the region, the status of disaster risk and DRR Strategy, ways of working together and the module on Comprehensive Risk Management (CRM) and its application in assessment and planning. 

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