Training event

Sendai Framework Monitoring System and Disaster Loss Database Training Workshop for Partners

In person

UN Campus, Bonn


This event is organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) with the support of the Government of Germany

Introduction and Background

UNISDR has been mandated to monitor the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This will enable Member States to measure global progress in the implementation of the Framework and verify trends and patterns in disaster risk, loss and impacts. The online Sendai Framework Monitoring (SFM) system was launched in March 2018, with accompanying technical guidance on data collection and analysis, a tool which will allow Member States to assess their progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework against the “Global Indicators” endorsed by the General Assembly, as well as against “Custom Indicators” chosen to reflect nationally determined indicators. Additionally, these custom indicators will enable IGOs and regional Organizations as well as local governments to monitor progress respectively at both the regional and local levels.

The monitoring has been supported by the availability of not only the SFM system but also the retrofitted disaster loss database (DesInventar), which UNISDR and its UN partners have made available to Member States to establish their national disaster loss databases, and which now, with the retrofitting supports the data collection for the global indicators for Target A through Target D of the Sendai Framework.

In order to effectively support Member States as well as other users of SFM and DesInventar to monitor progress on the implementation of the Sendai Framework, additional technical support capacity is required. To build this additional capacity, UNISDR will organize this technical workshop for partners who will then be able to provide support as trainers of both systems.

Training Workshop Objectives

UNISDR is organizing this training workshop in order to:

  • Review the Sendai Framework Monitoring Process and present to Partners the SFM System and Disaster Loss Database (DesInventar) including how to establish new disaster loss databases.
  • Train Partners in the use of the online SFM System and DesInventar through hands-on exercises.
  • Capacitate Partner Institutions and selected experts to act as trainers with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the SFM System and DesInventar.

​Expected outcomes

Participating partner institutions and selected experts will be in a position to provide technical support to Member States in the use the SFM System and DesInventar (e.g. leading training workshops and providing technical assistance).

The following topics will be covered in the sessions:

  • Functionalities and specifics of the SFM System and DesInventar
  • Data collection and methodologies of global indicators (Target A-G) as well as Custom Indicators
  • Reporting through SFM System and DesInventar including demonstration and hands-on training;
  • Thematic discussions including technical assistance, capacity building, and outreach strategy to Member States;
  • Dry-run of training sessions to be given by participants.

Target participants

This training workshop is aimed at Partner Institutions who are supporting Member States in using the SFM System and the Disaster Loss Database as well as Individual Experts interested in providing such support.

Language of the Expert Meeting: The working language of all activities will be English. 

How to apply and application deadline

Please note that the final deadline for application is 20 August 2018. Participation will be limited hence early application is encouraged. Please use the link below to submit your interest in contributing and participating in the training workshop. Confirmed applicants will receive an invitation letter with additional information including the agenda and logistics.

Registration link:

Financial support

Thanks to the support being provided by the Government of Germany, the organisers will be able to offer support, on a priority basis, to a limited number of participants. The support will be provided on a priority basis to nominated participants from partner institutions that are already providing support to Member States on the monitoring of the Sendai Framework. The support will defray the cost of travel (round-trip ticket – most economic fare – between the airport of international departure in their country of residence and neighbouring airport in Bonn) and/or room and board expenses during the duration of the event. Please note that the final deadline for application for the interested experts that require funding support is 20 August 2018.

Life and health insurance

Life/major health insurance is the responsibility of the participant or his/her institution or government. The organiser will not assume any responsibility for life and major health insurance, nor for expenses related to medical treatment or accidental events.

Point of contact

Please forward any questions including requests for support to secure any necessary visa to [email protected]

(Please include in the Subject Line Training Workshop for Partners)

Due to the nature of this training workshop with hands-on training, the number of participants will be limited, hence early registration is encouraged. Late applications may not be able to be accommodated. Priority will be given to those as above described.


(DRAFT) summary notes English

Document links last validated on: 23 December 2019

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