Meetings and conferences

Advisory Meeting on the Regional Monitoring of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework

In person
UN Campus, Bonn

This event is organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) with the support of the Government of Germany


It is said that disasters know no borders. Hence one of the most critical levels of engagement on disaster risk reduction (DRR) has been at the regional level. This is well recognized by the Sendai Framework, where each of the four priorities includes specific guidance at the global and regional levels. The Framework calls on Member States to create common information systems and exchange good practices in particular to address common and transboundary disaster risks. Moreover, it highlights action at the regional level through agreed regional and sub-regional strategies and mechanisms for cooperation on DRR. Hence regional inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) have a core leadership role as a custodian of policy and guiding light of practice. Over the HFA period, IGOs in all regions supported their respective Member States to develop regional policy instruments that addressed their DRR needs from their own geophysical context. These policies are now being aligned with the Sendai Framework.

Moreover, strong accountability is one of the cornerstones of the Sendai Framework. This commitment of the Member States is highlighted by the seven global targets of the Framework that are supported by a set of 38 indicators, recommended by the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group (OIEWG) on DRR related Indicators and Terminology. These will track progress in implementation of the Sendai Framework, as well as its related dimensions reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 11 and 13. In addition to this, the OIEWG also recommended nationally determined indicators, also called custom indicators, that would help countries monitor DRR actions that they prioritise through their own national and local strategies of DRR. UNISDR has accordingly developed the Sendai Framework Monitor that provides an online platform to support the Sendai Framework monitoring.

In line with this, at the regional level, the Regional IGOs have established commensurate monitoring mechanisms for measuring their progress of Sendai Framework implementation or are in the process of doing so. A strong demand has equivocally emerged from across the regions for having a common platform for reporting the regional progress through the Sendai Framework monitor which provides the UN General Assembly approved common framework of reporting on disaster risk reduction across all levels.

Hence in order to address the above-mentioned needs and demand, this advisory meeting is being called in order to foster a shared understanding of the monitoring and reporting needs at the regional level. Towards this end, regional IGOs from the various regions of the world and who are actively working on DRR will be invited to come and share their expectations on how the Sendai Framework monitor could become their common tool for monitoring irrespective of their individual regional policy instruments that guide their DRR actions. This could be through a combination of common and custom indicators as may be required from the emerging needs.

Building on this higher understanding, UNISDR will then finalize the regional monitoring module within the existing Sendai Framework Monitor that could meet the agreed expectations from across the regions.

The details on the advisory meeting are outlined below:

Objectives of the meeting

  1. To facilitate an interaction with Regional IGOs on the use of the Sendai Framework Monitoring Systems to support the Regional Monitoring of the Implementation of Sendai Framework. 
  2. To provide an opportunity to these organizations to share their needs and expectations and discuss the specific requirements the Sendai Framework Monitoring System would require to meet these needs.
  3. To provide an opportunity to invited representatives from Member States to share their perspective on the emerging reporting expectations.
  4. To enable UNISDR to understand the requirements of the Sendai Framework Monitoring System to meet the needs of the Regional Reporting.

Expected outcome of the meeting

This workshop will provide guidance to Regional IGOs on how the SFM System can support the monitoring at the regional level and also provide guidance to UNISDR on the needs and expectations regarding Reporting of the Regional Implementation of the Sendai Framework, including as it related to the definition and use of custom targets and indicators and any additional system requirements.

Target audience

  • Relevant regional IGOs that are engaged in supporting their Member States in defining and monitoring regional disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework.
  • Representatives from countries to share the national level monitoring and also their perspective on the emerging reporting expectations
  • Partner institutions and other relevant stakeholders

Language of the advisory meeting: The working language of all activities will be English. 

How to apply and application deadline

Please note that the final deadline for application is 27 August 2018. Participation will be limited hence early application is encouraged. Please use the link below to submit your interest in contributing and participating in the advisory meeting. Confirmed applicants will receive an invitation letter with additional information including the agenda and logistics.

Registration link:

Financial support

Thanks to the support being provided by the Government of Germany, the organisers will be able to offer support, on a priority basis, to a limited number of participants. The support will be provided on a priority basis to nominated participants from relevant Regional IGOs that are already providing support to Member States on the regional monitoring of the Sendai Framework as well as selected experts from countries that are already using the Sendai Framework Monitoring System for their national level reporting. The support will defray the cost of travel (round-trip ticket – most economic fare – between the airport of international departure in their country of residence and neighbouring airport in Bonn) and/or room and board expenses during the duration of the event. Please note that the final deadline for application for the interested experts that require funding support is 20 August 2018.

Life and health insurance

Life/major health insurance is the responsibility of the participant or his/her institution or government. The organiser will not assume any responsibility for life and major health insurance, nor for expenses related to medical treatment or accidental events.

Point of contact: Please forward any questions to this e-mail: [email protected]

(Please include in the Subject Line “Advisory Meeting on Regional Monitoring of the Sendai Framework Implementation”)

Please note that the number of participants of this Advisory Meeting will be limited, hence early registration is encouraged. Late applications may not be able to be accommodated. Priority will be given to those as above described.


Expression of interest English

Document links last validated on: 23 December 2019

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