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012 Call for Proposals Faces for Resilience Advocacy Campaign, Phase II - Extended to 20 January 2021

This job posting has closed

2020 Call for Proposals (Grants out)

UNDRR is the United Nations’ focal point for the coordination of disaster risk reduction, working with countries and a broad range of partners and stakeholders to support the implementation, monitoring and review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in coherence with the 2030 Agenda and other instruments, for the multihazard management of disaster risk in development and the substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses.

UNDRR issues grants, in line with UN Financial Regulations and Rules, to apolitical and not profit-making organisations to facilitate, implement, or carry out activities related to UNDRR’s and the partner’s mandates and work programmes.

To this end, UNDRR invites not profit-making organisations to submit grant proposals that focus on the project described below.

Faces of Resilience - Advocacy Campaign

(Grant Proposal)


The Sendai Framework highlights that resilient sustainable development will only be possible through a broader and a more people-centered preventive approach to disaster risk, where disaster risk reduction practices are multi-hazard and multisectoral, inclusive and accessible in order to be efficient and effective. For this, Governments should engage with relevant stakeholders, including women, children and youth, persons with disabilities, poor people, migrants and displaced persons, indigenous peoples, volunteers, the community of practitioners and older persons in the design and implementation of policies, plans and standards. Sendai specifically highlights the need for the public and private sectors and civil society organizations, as well as academia and scientific and research institutions, to work more closely together and to create opportunities for collaboration, and for businesses to integrate disaster risk into their management practices. (Sendai Preamble, Para 7). Importantly, stakeholders can play a major role in promoting and supporting the implementation of risk-informed development and climate action at all levels.

In support of an all-of-society approach to risk reduction and sustainable development, UNDRR in December 2018 launched the UNDRR Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (UNDRR-SEM). The UNDRR-SEM creates an open and structured avenue for close engagement of stakeholders with UNDRR and in the implementation of the Sendai Framework, with systematic attention paid to the needs of the most marginalized and vulnerable populations so that no one is left behind. Key functions are to enable an inclusive and broad movement for the Sendai Framework, influence policy design and implementation, strengthen citizen-led and social accountability mechanisms, and promote coordination and harmonization between different stakeholder groups, including for their interaction with the United Nations, Member States, Parliamentarians and other governmental organizations.

Objectives of the SEM are:

  1. Promote an all of society engagement and action through strengthened partnerships with and between key stakeholders, in collaboration with Member States and UN system partners.
  2. Ensure a broader and more people-centered preventative approach to disaster risk by mobilizing and strengthening the voice of stakeholders in the Member State led implementation of the Sendai Framework.
  3. Catalyze collective action among different stakeholders and in collaboration with Governments and the United Nations system for risk-informed development.
  4. Co-create and co-design innovative solutions and approaches to implement the Sendai Framework and build coherence across the post-2015 agendas.

Following its launch, the SEM Advisory Group (SEM AG) agreed on an ambitious action plan for 2020-2021, which focuses on three main areas: policy influencing, coordination for the global and regional platforms, and knowledge management.


In support of the implementation of the SEM workplan, the purpose of the grant is to build on the work done in 2021 to develop an advocacy campaign to ensure the voices of stakeholders are heard and community concerns addressed in the implementation of the Sendai Framework and risk informed development.

The initial focus of this work will be:

  • To boost visibility of the SEM through advocacy and promotion activities, including the gathering of stories from SEM partners and stakeholders in an operational capacity to demonstrate the impact of acting with an all-of-society approach.
  • To heighten the voice of communities and grass-root actors for the implementation of disaster risk reduction and risk-informed development and investment globally, making use of key global processes such as the 2020 Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Adaptation Summit, Financing for Development summit, High-level Political Forum and preparatory meetings for COP26.
  • Through raising the visibility of the SEM, it is also expected that this grant will help to increase interest in and recognition for SEM activities, boosting membership.

The activities under the grant will create and consolidate commitment from non-traditional CSO groups and other stakeholders engaged in sectors and areas relevant to disaster risk reduction.


Enhanced awareness of the importance of people-centered, inclusive, accessible approach for risk informed development in the global policy discussions related to development, climate change and urban resilience and the international CSO community, the private sector and science and academia engaged therein.


The main outputs of the grant are:

  1. Identification of twelve (12) country stories representing a range of stakeholders from across the spectrum of the UN Major Groups and SEM membership. The selection of countries and stories needs to build on a clear strategy to ensure geographical, gender, stakeholder and community diversity within featured stories, taking into account the work of the previous round to fill gaps in stakeholders, regions or critical topics.
  2. Twelve stories from identified countries including elements selected from the following:
    1. a video interview
    2. a portrait series
    3. accompanying material
    4. supporting narrative as required
  3. Narrative and key messages related to the publication of the stories
  4. Dissemination plan in conjunction with UNDRR and SEM members

Suggested activities

  • Develop an action plan
  • Identify and agree with UNDRR and SEM focal points on twelve countries
  • Produce stories for each of the twelve countries including:
    1. a video interview
    2. a portrait series
    3. accompanying material
    4. supporting narrative as required
  • Depending the COVID-19 situation, travel as necessary and appropriate to complete the activities.
  • Develop a comprehensive narrative and key messages related to the 12 stories for publication purposes
  • Disseminate and promote the material generated
  • Financial and project updates to be delivered every three months
  • External audit to be carried out at the end of the project


The grantee is expected to develop these deliverables in close coordination and regular correspondence with the coordinating focal point within UNDRR as well as regular communication with the SEM Focal Points and Coordinators, as well as targeted communication with the SEM Advisory Group.

The grantee(s) will need to coordinate with stakeholders in different countries globally and should have the resources to both identify and maintain these relationships.

Elements covered by the grant

The proposal submitted by interested candidates should include the following elements:

  • Number of persons (titles, level / years of experience, qualifications) and working time allocated to the initiative, disaggregated by expert, by location, and by activity (reference to section E – suggested activities). The proposal should include number of working hours and number of in-person meetings allocated to this grant.
  • Number of travels and all-related details (number of days, number of persons, cost)
  • Nature and cost of other operational services
  • All logistic costs related to workshops and training should not be included and considered in the proposal.
  • A COVID-19 contingency plan.

Budget & administrative-related aspects

  • The estimate budget is USD 50,000 covering all activity costs and salaries included in the above descriptions.
  • The grantee(s) will be responsible for delivering all the elements listed.
  • SEM member organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for this grant.
  • The duration of the grant is 12 months (1 January – 31 December 2021).
  • The programmatic and substantive coordination of the grant will be ensured by the head of the UNDRR Partnerships Unit in Geneva.


The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 12 months. The maximum amount requested from UNDRR for the implementation of this project cannot exceed 50,000 USD. The project proposal must not exceed 10 pages (attachments such as scanned copies of entity’s registration, CVs of staff etc. do not count).

For this purpose, please fill in duly all the sections of the application form, include the required documents (scanned copy of NGO/IGO’s registration certificate, CVs of staff etc.) and budget excel sheets, and send the complete application package (application form, budget excel sheets, entity registration certificate, CVs of staff, etc.) to the following email address:, cc:

Reference: 012 Call for Proposals Faces for Resilience – Advocacy Campaign, Phase II

Deadline for applications: 8 January 2021 midnight New York, USA EST (Eastern Standard Time). Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.

Projects’ activities can include, amongst others, the following:

  • seminars, workshops, trainings;
  • capacity building activities;
  • institutional strengthening activities and
  • advocacy

The following types of activity will not be covered:

  • capital expenditure, e.g. land, buildings, equipment and vehicles;
  • individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
  • supporting political parties; and
  • sub-contracting

Due to the number of applications, only short-listed applicants will be notified.

Please note that the grant payment schedule will be determined with the selected grantee when finalizing the agreement. UNDRR standard practice is: not to exceed 40% of the requested amount upon signature of the grant agreement; remaining payments made based on a schedule of payments linked to production of project milestones and the final payment, 20%, will be paid after the end of the project, once final documents have been received, verified and approved by UNDRR.

Refund of grants: UNDRR may request organizations to refund, either in part or in whole any amounts paid in respect of a grant when:

  • the project was not implemented in full or in part;
  • the grant was spent for ineligible expenditures other than those mentioned in the budget proposal submitted to, and approved by UNDRR;
  • no narrative, financial or audit report was submitted within the deadline established by the grant agreement;
  • a narrative report and/or a financial report submitted was determined to be unsatisfactory;
  • a negative evaluation of the project by UNDRR;
  • any other valid reason provided by the UNDRR.
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